What is the Fitz-Barn Ride?

The 2014, 3rd Annual, Fitz-Barn is an unsupported ride/race from Fitzgerald's Bicycles in Victor, Idaho to Red Barn Bicycles in Hamilton, Montana.

Approximately 450 miles of dirt and gravel roads, two track, and rail trail. The terrain is varied and beautiful and will include mountain passes, sage brush highlands and everything in between.

Ride through the heart of the Yellowstone Ecosystem and large sections of the Tour Divide Mountain Bike Route.

You are responsible for your own safety, navigation and food throughout the ride. Riders must have the ability to ride long distances without assistance while carrying their own gear and food.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More Scouting

Another scouting trip in the bag!  We are trying to get a full GPS track completed of the route with actual ride data so Brandon spent a day and a half on his moto riding the route.  He was able to get much of the route on the GPS and we will be able to download the tracks and make them available in a couple days.  

In addition, he rode some of the sections which we hadn't quite worked out the correct route, namely the section between St. Anthony and Dubois.  As a result of this second trip into the sand dunes north of St. Anthony we have figured out a simpler route (with fewer gates to open and close) to Dubois.   

Brandon said the route was incredibly beautiful and very isolated.  There are very long stretches between towns and resupply points.  While there are streams along the route, many have active cattle grazing, so be prepared either with lots of water or a water purification filter system you trust to handle streams with cows in them.   And smaller towns like Jackson, Montana have quite limited services and stores.   You'll need to plan appropriately.  

Check back in a couple of days for his GPS Tracks!  And we'll try and get an annotated map of the route with some beta on towns, their facilities and water along the route soon.

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